- General Nautical Terminology Fair
When describing conditions such as wind or tidal stream, fair refers to them being advantageous or favourable. In weather terminology, it means...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology FairleadA ring, hook or other device used to keep a line or chain running in the correct direction or to prevent it rubbing or fouling.
- General Nautical Terminology FairwayThe main channel in a body of water such as an estuary or river
- General Nautical Terminology Fairway MarkBuoy, post or pillar positioned at safe distance to seaward of a channel. See also Safe Water mark.
- General Nautical Terminology Fathom
Fathoms are units of measurement used in the maritime context to measure water depth. One fathom is equal to six feet or approximately 1.83...
More Details - Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication Code Flag Foxtrot (F)
The International Maritime Signal Flag Foxtrot.
I am disabled; communicate with me.
- Did you know?, General Nautical Terminology Feeling Blue
The phrase "feeling blue" is commonly used to describe sadness or melancholy, and its origins are often linked to nautical traditions.
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Fender
A fender is a cushioning device used on boats and ships to prevent damage to the vessel or dock when they come into contact, particularly when...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology FetchThe distance travelled by the wind when crossing open water. The height of the waves is proportional to the fetch and strength of the wind
- General Nautical Terminology FidA tapered tool used for separating the strands of rope for splicing.
- General Nautical Terminology, Knot Figure of Eight
A type of knot commonly used to create a secure stopper at the end of a rope, preventing it from slipping through a block, cleat, or...
More Details - Courses, RYA First AidThe RYA First Aid course is a one-day program tailored to the unique challenges of the marine environment. Participants learn essential first aid... More Details
- Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication First Substitute (ICS Flag)
Substitute or repeater flags allow messages with duplicate characters to be signalled without requiring multiple sets of flags.
- General Nautical Terminology FixThe position of a vessel as plotted on the chart from position lines obtained by compass bearings, direction finder, echo sounder etc.
- Did you know?, Flag Semaphore, Signals & Communication Flag Semaphore Signals
Flag semaphore is a system for conveying information at a distance through visual signals using hand-held flags. The position of the flags...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Flake More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flaking a Line More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flaking a Sail
Flaking a sail is neatly folding or arranging it in parallel or accordion-like folds. This is typically done to store or stow the sail properly...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology FlaresFlares are pyrotechnics and one of the most effective means of signalling distress and marking your position. There are several types of flare... More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flashing LightA light where there is more darkness than light