- General Nautical Terminology WakeTurbulence behind a vessel. Not to be confused with wash
- General Nautical Terminology WarpHeavy lines used for mooring, kedging or towing, and to move a vessel by hauling warps secured to a bollard or buoy
- General Nautical Terminology WarpsRopes or lines used for securing the vessel alongside.
- General Nautical Terminology WashThe waves created by a vessel. Not to be confused with wake.
- General Nautical Terminology Wash BoardsRemovable planks fitted in the cabin entrance to prevent water getting in
- General Nautical Terminology WatchA period of time during which a part of the crew is on duty.
- General Nautical Terminology Waterline lengthThe length of the vessel at the point where it sits in the water. It excludes the total length of the boat, such as features that are out of the... More Details
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Water Track
The vessel’s course through the water, derived from the compass course steered, allowing for leeway but not tide. A line representing the water...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Way
Speed, progress, or momentum through the water. More technically, the point at which there is sufficient water flow past a vessel's rudder for it...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Waypoint (WPT)
A waypoint is a specific geographic location or position used in navigation, typically identified by its coordinates (latitude and longitude)....
More Details - Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication Code Flag Whiskey (W)
The International Maritime Signal Flag Whiskey.
I require medical assistance.
- General Nautical Terminology Weather HelmThe tendency of the vessel to turn her bow to windward making it necessary to turn the rudder to maintain a straight heading
- General Nautical Terminology Weigh AnchorTo heave up (an anchor) preparatory to sailing.
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation WGS84
A standard in satellite-derived positions. Charts will indicate if they are calibrated to WGS84 or another system.
WGS84 is the standard...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology WheelThe wheel is used to steer the vessel. This yacht has two wheels so that the helmsman or woman has a clear view up either side of the vessel.
- General Nautical Terminology WhippingTwine bound round the ends of a rope to keep it from fraying
- General Nautical Terminology WhiskerLight spar to hold out the clew of a headsail when running, particularly when goosewinged
- Did you know?, Phonetic Alphabet, Signals & Communication Whiskey
Pronounced: WISS-key
The term for the letter W in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
- General Nautical Terminology White HorsesBreaking waves with foamy crest. Not surf breaking on the shore
- General Nautical Terminology, Weather (Meteorology) Whole Gale
Beaufort Scale – Force 10
A Whole Gale is a term used in meteorology to describe a wind of force 10 on the Beaufort scale, corresponding to...
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