- Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication Code Flag Quebec (Q)
The International Maritime Signal Flag Quebec.
Quarantine Flag.
My vessel is healthy and I request free pratique. - General Nautical Terminology Q FlagYellow flag flown from starboard spreaders or flagstaff when entering a foreign port (or Channel Isles) requesting customs clearance. Don’t remove... More Details
- Flag Semaphore, Signals & Communication Letter Q (Flag Semaphore)
Flag semaphore indicating the letter Q.
- Morse Code, Signals & Communication Letter Q (Morse Code)
International Morse Code sequence representing the letter Q.
- General Nautical Terminology Quarter Berth
A single bunk tucked under the cockpit. Usually found in smaller boats where there is no room for a cabin in this location.
- Phonetic Alphabet, Signals & Communication Quebec
Pronounced: keh-BECK
The term for the letter Q in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.