Ahoy, fellow sea wanderers! If the smell of salt in the air, the rhythmic slap of waves against the hull, and the endless horizon call to your soul, you’ve found the right place. The Salty Sea Blog is a place for musings on sailing—whether it’s the thrill of a stiff breeze filling the sails, the quiet magic of a sunrise at anchor, or the camaraderie found in harbours worldwide.
From salty old sea dogs to fresh-faced deckhands, this blog is for anyone who finds peace, adventure, and a bit of mischief on the water. So hoist the main, set your course, and let’s sail into the stories, lessons, and musings that make life on the sea so irresistible.
The History of the Beaufort Scale The Beaufort Scale is perhaps one of the best-known ways to measure wind force, offering a standard method to classify wind speeds based on their effects both on land and at sea. It’s a valuable tool used by meteorologists, sailors, and engineers, significantly influencing modern understanding of wind strength…
A Tale of Big and Little Diomede Ah, time travel. A notion that’s been tickling our imaginations for donkey’s years. H.G. Wells scribbled about it, Doc Brown cobbled together a DeLorean for it, and Doctor Who nailed it with a flying blue police box. But what if I told you that time travel is already…
Why Some Sailors Just Can’t Stay Ashore The wind howls like a banshee, rain lashes against the windows, and the mere thought of venturing outside sends shivers down your spine. It’s a perfect day… for some hardy souls to don their foul-weather gear, wrestle their boats from the clutches of winter, and head out onto…
Why Verification is so Important in Marine Navigation For recreational sailors, whether seasoned skippers or weekend adventurers, the thrill of exploring the open waters comes with the responsibility of navigating safely and efficiently. While modern technology, such as GPS and electronic chart plotters, has made marine navigation more accessible and convenient than ever, relying solely…
The Enduring Value of Paper Charts in the Digital Age In today’s digital world, electronic nautical charts (ENCs) have become the norm for maritime navigation. With their real-time positioning, easy updates, and user-friendly interfaces, it’s easy to see why many mariners have shifted to digital solutions. As a racing skipper, I’m a huge fan of…
Why are bananas supposed to be bad luck on boats? If you’ve ever set sail or chatted with seasoned sailors, you might have stumbled upon a curious maritime superstition: bananas are bad luck on boats. This peculiar belief, like tales of mermaids and ghost ships, has been passed down through generations. But why do these…
Are charted depths based on the worst-case scenario? Traditional and electronic navigation charts (ENCs) provide us with an understanding of depth, particularly near the coastline. Generally, we ask ourselves: Can we float? After all, we don’t want to run aground! The numbers provided on charts give a likely worst-case scenario, known as chart datum. For…
Introduction Navigational aids have been crucial for maritime safety for centuries, but you may be surprised to learn that the standardisation of the buoyage system didn’t materialise until the 1980s. Among the various systems developed, the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) buoyage system stands out for its global adoption…
“Under the weather” is commonly used to describe feeling ill or unwell. Its origin can be traced back to maritime language and practices. Here are the key points of its origin: Overall, the phrase “under the weather” has its roots in maritime culture, symbolising the relationship between bad weather and feeling unwell, whether from direct exposure or…
In the vast expanse of the world’s oceans, where the unpredictable forces of nature and the ever-shifting moods of the sea collide, mariners have long relied on a timeless companion—the Shipping Forecast. Originating in the early 20th century, this iconic broadcast has transcended its humble beginnings to become a cultural touchstone, embodying tradition and practicality…
If you belive the Earth is flat, you're about to fall of the end...
If you belive the Earth is flat, you're about to fall of the end...