- General Nautical Terminology DriftTo be carried by the tidal stream; The distance that a boat is carried by the tidal stream in a given time
- General Nautical Terminology Drogue
A device, often resembling a small parachute or cone, deployed from a vessel or lifeboat to create drag and stabilise its movement in rough...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Drying Height
The vertical distance between the seabed or a drying feature, such as a rock or sandbank, and chart datum, which is usually lowest astronomical...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Safety, Signals & Communication DSC
An automated VHF and MF/HF radio communication system used in maritime environments to send distress alerts, establish contact, and exchange...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology DTW
Distance to Waypoint indicates the distance between the vessel and a specific point or location known as a waypoint. The distance is given as the...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Dyneema
A high-performance synthetic fibre known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio.
It is often used in marine applications for rigging,...
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