- General Nautical Terminology FetchThe distance travelled by the wind when crossing open water. The height of the waves is proportional to the fetch and strength of the wind
- General Nautical Terminology FidA tapered tool used for separating the strands of rope for splicing.
- General Nautical Terminology, Knot Figure of Eight
A type of knot commonly used to create a secure stopper at the end of a rope, preventing it from slipping through a block, cleat, or...
More Details - Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication First Substitute (ICS Flag)
Substitute or repeater flags allow messages with duplicate characters to be signalled without requiring multiple sets of flags.
- General Nautical Terminology FixThe position of a vessel as plotted on the chart from position lines obtained by compass bearings, direction finder, echo sounder etc.
- Did you know?, Flag Semaphore, Signals & Communication Flag Semaphore Signals
Flag semaphore is a system for conveying information at a distance through visual signals using hand-held flags. The position of the flags...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Flake More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flaking a Line More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flaking a Sail
Flaking a sail is neatly folding or arranging it in parallel or accordion-like folds. This is typically done to store or stow the sail properly...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology FlaresFlares are pyrotechnics and one of the most effective means of signalling distress and marking your position. There are several types of flare... More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Flashing LightA light where there is more darkness than light
- Flag Semaphore, Signals & Communication Letter F (Flag Semaphore)
This shape represents the Letter F (Flag Semaphore) and the Number 6 (Flag Semaphore).
- Morse Code, Signals & Communication Letter F (Morse Code)
International Morse Code sequence representing the letter F.
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Flood Tide
The incoming or rising phase of the tide, during which seawater flows landward and the water level increases.
A flood tide is the period...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology FlukeThe wedge-shaped part of an anchor's arms that digs into the bottom.
- General Nautical Terminology Flying Out A sail is flying out in a breeze when it has no tension in the sheets
- General Nautical Terminology Fo'c'sleThe part of the accommodation below the foredeck and forward of the mast
- General Nautical Terminology FogVisibility reduced to less than 1000 metres (approximately 0.5 nautical miles)
- General Nautical Terminology FoghornFog horns are used for sounding the appropriate sound signal whilst in restricted visibility
- General Nautical Terminology Folding PropellerA propeller with folding blades, furling to reduce drag on a sailing vessel when not in use