- General Nautical Terminology TopsidesThe part of the vessel which is above the waterline when she is not heeled
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS)
A Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a maritime navigation system designed to organise the flow of vessel traffic in congested or high-risk...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation TransitTwo fixed objects are in transit when they are in line
- General Nautical Terminology Transom
The transom is the flat, vertical surface at the back of a boat. It is typically where the outboard motor or stern drive is attached to a motor...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology TravellerSiding mechanism to adjust the aft end of the boom.
- General Nautical Terminology Tri-colour LightMasthead light combining red, green and white lights in one unit.
- General Nautical Terminology Trim
Trim is the adjustment of a boat's sails, weight distribution, and angle relative to the water to optimise performance, balance, and...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology TrimaranA vessel with three hulls
- General Nautical Terminology Trim TabsFlaps which can be pushed up or down to adjust the angles of the bow and heel on a motor vessel
- Organisation Trinity House
Trinity House is a maritime organisation responsible for maintaining navigational aids, including lighthouses and buoys, along England, Wales,...
More Details - Weather (Meteorology) Tropical Hurricane
A tropical hurricane is an intense tropical cyclone characterised by strong winds, heavy rainfall, and low pressure. These storms typically form...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation True North
True North refers to the geographic direction towards the Earth’s geographic North Pole. The direction along the Earth’s surface points directly...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology True WindThe wind created by the current weather system without impact of a vessels movement
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation TSS
A Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a maritime navigation system designed to organise the flow of vessel traffic in congested or high-risk...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation TTGEstimated time remaining to a waypoint giving an indication of arrival time
- General Nautical Terminology Turn
When a rope passes around an object, such as a post, when tying a knot.
- General Nautical Terminology, Navigation TZMost tide tables are produced in the standard time for the time zone(s) of the nation in which they apply. These times may need to be corrected at... More Details
- Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication Code Flag Uniform (U)
The International Maritime Signal Flag Uniform.
You are running into danger.
- Organisation UKHO
The UK government agency responsible for producing nautical charts, publications, and navigational information to support safe maritime...
More Details - Organisation UK Hydrographic Office (UKHO)
The UK government agency responsible for producing nautical charts, publications, and navigational information to support safe maritime...
More Details