- General Nautical Terminology DanbuoyA temporary mark to indicate position or a man overboard. A flag flown from a spar passing through a float weighted at the bottom
- General Nautical Terminology Danforth Anchor
A lightweight, high-holding-power anchor with two wide, pivoting flukes designed to dig into sand or mud for secure holding.
The Danforth...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology DavitA crane, often working in pairs and usually made of steel, used to lower things over the side of a ship, including launching a lifeboat over the... More Details
- General Nautical Terminology Davits
Crane-like structures mounted on a vessel used for lowering, raising, and storing lifeboats, tenders, or other equipment.
Davits are...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Day Shape
A ball, cone or diamond-shaped object, ordinarily black, hoisted by day on a vessel to indicate a particular status within the IRPCS.
If you...
More Details - Courses, RYA Day Skipper Practical (Motor)The RYA Day Skipper Practical (Motor) course equips participants to take charge of motor cruisers during short passages. Over five days,... More Details
- Courses, RYA Day Skipper Practical (Sail)
The RYA Day Skipper Practical (Sail) course teaches participants to skipper a yacht during short coastal passages. This five-day course covers...
More Details - Courses, RYA Day Skipper TheoryThe RYA Day Skipper Theory course provides aspiring skippers with the knowledge to navigate safely in coastal waters. This comprehensive program... More Details
- Flag / Pennant, Signals & Communication Code Flag Delta (D)
The International Maritime Signal Flag Delta.
I am manoeuvring with difficulty.
If appended with a Numeral Pennant, a Date. - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Dead Reckoning (DR)
A navigational method used to estimate a vessel's current position based on a previously known position, factoring in speed, time, and course...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Deck LogA book in which all matters concerning navigation are entered
- General Nautical Terminology Deck Officer
A licensed mariner responsible for the safe navigation, operation, and management of a vessel's deck department.
Deck Officers, also known as...
More Details - Phonetic Alphabet, Signals & Communication Delta
Pronounced: DEL-ta
The term for the letter D in the NATO Phonetic Alphabet.
- General Nautical Terminology Delta
A triangular-shaped area of sediment deposited at the mouth of a river, where it meets a body of water such as a sea or ocean.
A delta refers...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Delta Anchor
A plough-style anchor with a triangular, streamlined shape, designed for strong holding power in various seabeds, especially sand and mud.
More Details - General Nautical Terminology Depression
A depression is an area of low atmospheric pressure characterised by inward-spiraling winds. Depressions are often associated with stormy weather...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology DepthAn electronic depth-finding instrument or the amount of water at a given time
- General Nautical Terminology Deviation
The difference between a vessel's actual compass heading and the magnetic heading indicated by the compass. Deviation is caused by the magnetic...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology, Navigation Deviation card
A deviation card is produced for a steering compass once it has been swung. The card provides the details necessary to correct the compass for...
More Details - General Nautical Terminology DiaphoneA powerful two-tone fog signal with a grunt at the end.