IRPCS: International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea
(as amended by Resolutions A464(XII), A626(15), A678(16), A736(18) and A.910(22)), (updated 2017)
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (IRPCS), often called COLREGs, are critical for ensuring safety and order on the water. These rules provide a universal framework for understanding vessel hierarchy & signalling intentions and avoiding dangerous situations, making them essential knowledge for anyone operating a vessel. Without a solid understanding of the IRPCS, even experienced mariners risk miscommunication and potential collisions.
That’s where we come in—our resources are designed to simplify these complex rules, making them accessible and easy to learn. Whether you’re a novice sailor or a seasoned skipper, we can help you navigate the IRPCS confidently and clearly.
Use our easy-to-understand, plain English rule book with helpful interpretations of what each rule means.
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- Section II: Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another, PART B: Steering & Sailing Rules Rule 17: Action by stand-on vessel
- Where one of two vessels is to keep out of the way the other shall keep her course and speed.
- The latter vessel may however take action to...
- Section II: Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another, PART B: Steering & Sailing Rules Rule 18: Responsibilities between vessels
Except where Rules 9, 10 and 13 otherwise require:
More Details - Section III: Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility, PART B: Steering & Sailing Rules Rule 19: Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility
- This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility.
- Every vessel shall...
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 20: Application
- Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers.
- The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to sunrise and...
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 21: Definitions
- "Masthead light" means a white light placed over the fore and aft centreline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon...
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 22: Visibility of lights
The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as specified in Section 8 of Annex I to these Regulations so as to be visible at the...
More Details - PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 23: Power-driven vessels underway
- A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit:
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 24: Towing and pushing
- A power-driven vessel when towing shall exhibit:
- instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23(a)(i) or (a)(ii), two masthead lights in a vertical...
- A power-driven vessel when towing shall exhibit:
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 25: Sailing vessels underway and vessels under oars
- A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit:
- sidelights;
- a sternlight.
- In a sailing vessel of less than 20 metres in length the lights...
- A sailing vessel underway shall exhibit:
- IRPCS (All Rules), PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 26: Fishing vessels
- A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule.
- A vessel when...
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 27: Vessel not under command or restricted in their ability to manoeuvre
- A vessel not under command shall exhibit:
- two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen;
- two balls or similar...
- A vessel not under command shall exhibit:
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 28: Vessel constrained by their draught
A vessel constrained by her draught may, in addition to the lights prescribed for power-driven vessels in Rule 23, exhibit where they can best be...
More Details - PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 29: Pilot vessels
- A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit:
- at or near the masthead, two all-round lights in a vertical line, the upper being white and...
- A vessel engaged on pilotage duty shall exhibit:
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 30: Anchored vessels and vessels aground
- A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen:
- PART C: Lights & Shapes Rule 31: Seaplanes
Where it is impracticable for a seaplane or a WIG craft to exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in the posi