The length of space between two points, often measured in nautical miles when referring to distances at sea.
In maritime contexts, “distance” refers to the measurement of space between two locations, typically expressed in nautical miles. A nautical mile is slightly longer than a standard mile, equating to approximately 1.1508 statute miles or 1.852 kilometres. This unit of measurement is particularly suited to navigation because it is based on the Earth’s circumference, with one nautical mile representing one minute of latitude. Distances at sea are crucial for a variety of reasons, including route planning, fuel calculations, and estimating the time it will take to reach a destination. Mariners use charts, GPS, and other navigational tools to calculate distances between waypoints, ports, or other significant locations. The concept of distance is also vital for safety, as it helps vessels maintain appropriate separation from hazards such as reefs, other vessels, or restricted areas. In addition, understanding distance is essential for communication between ships and with coastal authorities, as it allows for precise reporting of a vessel’s position.