Danforth Anchor
A lightweight, high-holding-power anchor with two wide, pivoting flukes designed to dig into sand or mud for secure holding.

The Danforth anchor, also known as a fluke anchor, is a popular choice for small to medium-sized boats due to its lightweight design and strong holding power in soft seabeds such as sand or mud. It consists of a stock at the crown and two large, flat flukes that pivot to dig into the seabed when tension is applied to the rode. This design allows the anchor to generate significant resistance, making it highly effective in suitable bottom conditions. However, it is less reliable in rocky or weedy areas where the flukes cannot penetrate properly. The Danforth anchor is easy to stow due to its flat shape, making it a common choice for recreational boaters, dinghies, and auxiliary anchors on larger vessels. Proper setting and retrieval techniques are essential to ensure optimal performance, as the anchor may not reset effectively if the wind or tide shifts significantly.