Details of the wind strength and other expected conditions for each Beaufort scale 0 to 12. The Beaufort scale is taught in the Weather (Meteorology) module of the Sailing Essentials & Day Skipper...More Details
This step-by-step guide shows how to plot a preemptive Course to Steer. The Day Skipper Theory course's Passage Planning & Making module teaches this chart plotting process.
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A step-by-step guide showing how to plot an Estimated Position. This chart plotting technique is taught in the Plotting Positions module of the Day Skipper Theory course.
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A step-by-step guide showing how to plot Dead Reckoning. This chart plotting technique is taught in the Plotting Positions module of the Day Skipper Theory course.
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Standard annotations for use when navigating using charts or chart plotters. Using standards enables navigators to understand each other's work. This is useful when taking over from someone else, either...More Details